To advance the mission of our ESL program, we are actively seeking volunteers who would like to partner with our English Language Learners (ELLs) on their journey toward English proficiency.

ESL volunteer roles include:

  • ESL teachers

  • Classroom aides

  • Conversational English partners

  • English tutors

Volunteers for our ESL program do not need to be certified teachers or have experience in teaching.  We welcome all those with a passion for building community and a heart for partnering with and serving our international community through teaching and learning.

Comprehensive training will be provided to all volunteers both in-person and online for independent learning opportunities that fit your schedule. 

Based on student enrollment, ESL program volunteers may serve our ELLs in-person or in a hybrid / virtual model of instruction and will commit to one year of service over the course of two semesters.  Click on the button to access our Commitment Form to understand the expectations related to your service.  

ESL Volunteer Survey

If you would like more information on how to join our team, kindly complete the ESL Volunteer Survey and one of the ESL team members will contact you.